Thursday, August 29, 2013

Kiss Halloween Costumes

You can find really a lot of Kiss Halloween costumes online, for instance at Kisscostumes, Amazon and many others too.

You can choose between all sorts costumes like costumes for adults - for men and women, costumes for children, sexy costumes, group costumes...

Gene Simmons' Axe Guitar, Public Domain License, Wikimedia Commons

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Gene Simmons Costume Ideas

Are you looking for Gene Simmons costume ideas? It's really easy to find Gene Simmons for everybody - for men, women or kids.

There are so many costumes and you can choose between costumes from different Kiss tours. Then there are different price ranges - some costumes are really affordable and some are a bit more expensive, they can cost few hundred dollars, but you'll be able to wear them for years.

The basics are always the same - black spandex or/and black leather costume, with spikes, vampire sleeves and black or silver platform boots.

Image by Tktt, Public Domain License, Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to make Halloween party invitations

Are you having a party on Halloween and need invitations? Would you like to have unique but not too scary invitations?

I'll show you how to make Halloween party invitations with Inkscape, free computer drawing program. If you like to draw you are welcome to join me.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Best Halloween Costumes Ever Pictures

I was looking for the best Halloween costumes ever pictures online and I found some of them on Flickr. Few of them I put right here on my blog because I like them - some of them are for the babies and kids and some for grown-ups.

And what is that think that makes Halloween costume best ever? In my opinion that is originality, they should be unique and of course well done too.

baby lobster
Baby lobster by ChrisDag, CC BY 2.0, Flickr

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pippi Celebrates

Pippi Celebrates is blog dedicated to holidays and other celebrations. There are so many holidays and we love them all - Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines...

We all love to celebrate holidays and anniversaries. And here you can find ideas for decorations, gifts, invitations and other cards, costumes and all other stuff you'll need.

Public Domain Image, Pixabay